Fact Sheets & Reports
The Tyranny of Free Trade: Wasted Natural Wealth & Lost LivlihoodsFriends of the Earth, December 9, 2005
Articles & Statements
Free Trade’s Dubious Blessings: Nearly Five Years of DR-CAFTA in El Salvador and Its Constitutional Challenge TruthOut, October 6, 2010
CAFTA Rules on Sovereign Debt: Cementing the Chains of Debt Center of Concern, April 2005
As Global Quotas End, CAFTA Will Not Save Central American Textile and Apparel Industry Public Citizen, February 14, 2005
Central American Development: The Impact of Trade Liberalization in the 1990’s Inter Action, March 2004
Migration and Coffee in Mexico and Central America International Relations Center, December 13, 2004
What CAFTA & Free Trade Really Mean for Nicaragua, and the Rest of Central American? Witness for Peace, 2004
El Salvador government considers ban on mining as permit freeze leads to CAFTA arbitration Investment Treaty News, September 2, 2009
Administration Announces Intent to Apply Safeguard on Cotton Socks from Honduras United States Department of Commerce, January 18, 2008
CAFTA in Costa Rica Would Cause Deepening Inequality Center for International Policy, September 24, 2007
Guatemala’s Kafta-esque Year Center for International Policy, August 24, 2007
Dead-End Trade Deal Nears Dead End Center for International Policy, July 25, 2007
Train Wreck in Guatemala Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2007
Labor Rights in Guatemala Aided Little by Trade Deal Washington Post, March 16, 2007
Immigrant Surge is Tied to the Failure of NAFTA Star Tribune, April 21, 2006
Position of the Salvadoran Social Movement Before CAFTA Goes into Force February 22, 2006
Implementation of CAFTA Used to Further Expand Corporate Rights in Central America Stop CAFTA Coaltion, January 11, 2006
Costa Rica’s Trade Deficit Grows as CAFTA Looms Tax News, November 25, 2005
Anti-Poverty Programs Abound, but Poverty Deepens Inter-Press Services, September 17, 2005
Say ‘No’ to CAFTA Huntsville Times, July 17, 2005
Letter from the US-SACU Working Group Against CAFTA June 30, 2005
Mill Closings Hit Hard in Central America The New York Times, March 25, 2005
Why CAFTA Can’t Save Central America from the Textile Quota ExpirationInternational Relations Center, January 7, 2005
Supermarket Giants Crush Central American Farmers New York Times, December 28, 2004
Pacific Rim v. El Salvador and the Perils of Free Trade in the Americas Council on Hemispheric Affiairs, July 30, 2010