The TRADE BRIGADE is a new political action committee providing assistance, strategic messaging support and field organizers in campaigns for the House and Senate. By holding accountable the elected officials who have betrayed working families on trade votes and backing candidates who will advocate for trade agreements with strong labor and environmental standards, we can transform the way America trades with the world.

Who is on the PAC?
Trade Brigade is a connected PAC of Citizens Trade Campaign.

Why is TRADE BRIGADE work important?
Trade and globalization are at the heart of American politics today. There’s no greater force transforming the way everyday Americans are seeing the world and their children’s futures. Citizens Trade PAC wants to demonstrate to Americans – and our trading partners – that we have elected officials who want to export our hard fought and treasured labor and environmental standards, along with our goods and services.The TRADE BRIGADEwants to prove what you already know – that American workers are the best in the world and can compete with anyone if given a level playing field.

Is the PAC a partisan organization?
Our PAC is not affiliated with either a party or a candidate. Our goal is to support members of Congress and Senate, or those seeking office, who will reject the NAFTA/CAFTA trade model and that criteria guides our decision-making.

How does the TRADE BRIGADE raise money?
The TRADE BRIGADE solicits donations via email and uses the internet and word-of-mouth to inform trade activists that we can help elect good candidates to the House and Senate with a strong fair trade message.

Are contributions to the PAC tax deductible?
It is registered as a non-profit political action committee with the federal Elections Commission. Contributions to it are not deductible under federal tax law.