We are geared up to make a difference in 2016 and beyond.
Voter frustration with business-as-usual trade agreements that put corporate interests ahead of working families has been a key theme throughout this election season, with opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) corporate power grab in particular emerging as a winning issue for candidates.
In 2010, Citizens Trade Campaign established a political action committee called the Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign to help elect Congressional candidates who want an end to disastrous trade pacts, and are willing to fight for policies that put the interests of working people, family farmers, the environment and our democracy ahead of corporate elites.
What is the Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign?
The Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign is a political action committee providing assistance, strategic messaging support and field organizers inc campaigns for the House and Senate. By holding accountable the elected officials who have betrayed working families on trade votes and by backing candidates who will advocate for trade agreements that put good-paying jobs, the environment and public health ahead of corporate profits, we can transform the way America trades with the world.
Why is the PAC’s work important?
Trade and globalization are at the heart of American politics today. There’s no greater force transforming the way everyday Americans are seeing the world and their children’s futures. The Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign wants to demonstrate to Americans — and our trading partners — that we have elected officials willing to put an end to “race to the bottom” trade agreements, to create good-paying jobs for American workers and to engage in international agreements that will improve quality of life for all people, not just corporate elites.
Who is on the PAC?
The Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign is a connected PAC of Citizens Trade Campaign (CTC).
Is the PAC a partisan organization?
Our PAC is not affiliated with either a party or a candidate. Our goal is to support Members of Congress, or those seeking office, who will reject the TPP/NAFTA model of trade and promote one that puts working families ahead of corporate lobbyists.
How does the PAC raise money?
The Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign solicits donations from CTC members, and counts on word-of-mouth to inform trade activists that we can help elected good candidates to the House and Senate with a strong fair trade message.
Are contributions to the PAC tax deductible?
No. The Trade Brigade of Citizens Trade Campaign is registered as a non-profit political action committee with the Federal Elections Commission. Contributions to the PAC are not deductible under federal tax law.
Besides making a donation, how can I get involved?
Learn how to bird-dog political candidates on trade and how to make a trade-focused voter guide.