Author Archives: CTC

Clinton and Sanders Get Specific on Trade Before PA Primary

April 19, 2016 Contact: Amy Conahan, (412) 999-3750 or Clinton and Sanders Detail Their Cases Against the TPP Questionnaires on the TPP, Jobs & Trade Published One Week Before the PA Primary Johnstown, Penn. — Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders expanded … Continue reading

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Presidential Candidates Response to Trade

The Pennsylvania Fair Trade Coalition sent questions to all presidential candidates to determine who is most focused on addressing the trade crisis effectively — by rejecting further agreements based on the NAFTA model,renegotiating existing agreements and promoting a new responsible … Continue reading

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Pennsylvania Fair Trade Coalition Names New Director

Pennsylvania – The Pennyslvania Fair Trade Coalition today announced the appointment of Amy McAuliffe as their new Director. The coalition is a non-profit advocacy organization representing a diverse array of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, and religious groups to advocate … Continue reading

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Trade policy costs Pennsylvania jobs

By Letters to the Editor October 01, 2009, 1:01AM President Obama made numerous commitments on trade reform, and the meeting of the G-20 in Pittsburgh on Sept. 25 was an opportunity to highlight the differences between campaign promises and current … Continue reading

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PAFTC Praises Congressmen Brady, Doyle, Holden, P. Murphy and Murtha for Co-sponsoring Legislation

Pennsylvania – The Pennsylvania Fair Trade Coalition (PAFTC) praised members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation for cosponsoring the Trade Reform, Accountability, Development and Employment (TRADE) Act, which was introduced by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Rep. Mike Michaud (D-Maine) yesterday in … Continue reading

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