Category Archives: NAFTA

We rallied to call out Kurt Schrader on health justice issues!

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign was among the groups supportive of Medicare-for-All that came together for a rally staged outside Rep. Kurt Schrader’s Oregon City office in early September when the congressman found himself targeted for his stances on healthcare issues. … Continue reading

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Health, retiree, faith groups and more tell Earl Blumenauer: Stay strong in refusing a new NAFTA that’s bad for patients and consumers

As part of his March 21 public forum on the high costs of prescription drugs, Rep. Earl Blumenauer heard from many activists in their insistence that the new NAFTA be sent back to the drawing board rather than approved with … Continue reading

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NAFTA Proposal Falls Short on Jobs, Wages, Human Rights, and the Environment

Due to our work as Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, Oregon is one of 9 states where (our umbrella organization) Citizens Trade Campaign (CTC) does on-the-ground organizing.  CTC has released the following press statement today, on the new version of NAFTA, … Continue reading

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STATEMENT on today’s news — U.S. administration tells Congress of intent to sign a trade agreement (w/ Mexico and potentially Canada)

More Work Needed on NAFTA for Working People & the Planet Washington, D.C. — As the White House notified Congress of its plans to sign a renegotiated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the United States’ largest … Continue reading

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On NAFTA, Trump and Mexico announce the outlines of a new deal, potentially excluding Canada

What has happened to NAFTA in the past week? The U.S. and Mexico have announced the outlines of a deal that they’re willing to close on Friday — by on that day sending official notice to the U.S. Congress of intent to … Continue reading

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Lessons from Colombia for how we proceed with NAFTA renegotiation in 2018-2019

The Colombia FTA shows how flawed the U.S. government’s prioritization has been—to this point—regarding labor rights in its trade agreements.  The following writing explores this. Despite a “no” vote being encouraged by labor and civil society, the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement … Continue reading

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More Than 1,000 U.S. Civil Society Groups Demand That a People-Centered Agreement Come out of the NAFTA Talks

Civil society groups — us, and those in relationship with us — across the U.S.A. that have a shared vision for a replaced NAFTA and a list of demands regarding the nature of the agreement have released their letter to … Continue reading

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Cooke Aquaculture an ISDS-Enabled Threat to People and Planet

Lookout, Oregon. This story delves in something unacceptable faced by our state neighbors to the north. It could happen here, and it’s bad enough that it happens anywhere.  #EndISDS ISDS, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, is being used dangerously in Washington state … Continue reading

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Trump’s promises for fairer trade distinctly unfulfilled, to this point

Trump Trade has meant so far a lot of uncertainty and tremendous talk of change, with nothing meaningful changing yet, and trade deficits climbing rather than subsiding. In the State of the Union a week ago, Trump said the United … Continue reading

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