Author Archives: ORFTC

NAFTA news, all the time: Small businesses line up in opposition to ISDS section of NAFTA

This comes from Green America.  They announce today that 100 small businesses sent a letter to President Trump urging him to side with small business in its opposition to ISDS’s presence in the North American Free Trade Agreement.  Investor-State Dispute … Continue reading

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Portland metro area: Attend the NAFTA Town Hall

The NAFTA politics — where do they stand?  Who will be the winners of a NAFTA renegotiation? Could it be labor and environment and community groups?  Only if we show up. Get answers to these questions, and join forces — for all … Continue reading

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The Guatemala CAFTA case that clarifies what we’re fighting for, in NAFTA renegotiation

The United States had been in nine years of litigation against the government of Guatemala in the first-ever labor dispute settlement case under the provisions of CAFTA-DR.  Guatemala was in trouble for failure to enforce its labor laws.  The case closed … Continue reading

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Action in DC delivers 100,000 petitions, for People’s priorities on NAFTA

Today, in D.C., the U.S. International Trade Commission is hearing testimony as input in the NAFTA renegotiation. These hearings are part of how the United States Trade Representative will be guided as to what positions to take (and priorities to … Continue reading

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The NAFTA countdown. The NAFTA struggle.

This graphic shows the timeline on how NAFTA renegotiation will proceed. The period for submitting public comments to the USTR ends THIS MONDAY, June 12. Get them in. Here’s a LINK to a form by which you can send language that demands … Continue reading

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NAFTA is being renegotiated. And there is a brief, important window for Public Comments. (Speak Up.)

President Trump’s intentions for NAFTA are in motion.  The “renegotiation” of NAFTA will go down this summer.  Right now, the new United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer is accepting public comments on how the renegotiation should take place (… … Continue reading

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You’ve Stopped the TPP — Now What?

BY CTC – JANUARY 5, 2017 POSTED IN: BREAKING ISSUES Thank you.  Your hard work — coupled with that of millions of other grassroots activists across the United States and the world — is what pulled the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) out of the … Continue reading

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ORFTC Fair Trade Monitor, August 2016

ORFTC Fair Trade Monitor  Fair trade update from the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, August 2016 In this issue: 1. We Rocked Against the TPP! 2. Keeping up the #RockAgainsttheTPP momentum 3. Time to get in the street to shout out … Continue reading

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Rock Against the TPP WEEKEND OF ACTION is coming to Oregon! The biggest challenge we’re facing in the fight to stop the anti- democratic Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is that too many people still don’t know what it is. That’s … Continue reading

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