Health, retiree, faith groups and more tell Earl Blumenauer: Stay strong in refusing a new NAFTA that’s bad for patients and consumers

As part of his March 21 public forum on the high costs of prescription drugs, Rep. Earl Blumenauer heard from many activists in their insistence that the new NAFTA be sent back to the drawing board rather than approved with the pharmaceutical provisions intact, since they directly undermine our ability to keep drug costs under control.


Specifically, a dozen Oregon groups…

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign
As the Spirit Moves Us
Health Care for All Oregon
Nurses for Single Payer
Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans
The Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals – AFT Local 5017
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Oregon Working Families Party
Portland Gray Panthers
Right To Health
SEIU Local 49
SEIU Local 503

… were pleased that the Congressman prioritized such a forum, and we used the opportunity to hand-deliver him a letter (co-signed by the above) asking that he remain firm in opposing a new NAFTA that would be a giveaway to big pharma.

The letter looks like this.

And we thank the Congressman for the stance he took at the forum — quoting him — “I’ve made it clear to the Trade Rep that the way this bill is written now, the treaty, is not something I’m comfortable advancing.”

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