Aerospace Engineers and Oregon Fair Trade deliver message to Earl Blumenauer

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign teamed up with union members from the Society of Engineering Employees in Aerospace to deliver a message from 200 constituents to Representative Earl Blumenauer: Commit to opposing the USMCA unless some changes are made.Two primary concerns conveyed via postcards delivered are about monopoly protections for pharmaceutical companies as well as the initiation of stronger, enforceable standards for both labor and environment.

Blumenauer got elected to chair the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee on trade in January, so constituents can be certain he’s in a position to be heard as it applies to what the proper attributes of international commerce are. Reports of getting the pact ratified within a month after returning to Capital Hill from summer recess haven’t materialized. House democrats initiating an impeachment inquiry disagree with the President’s assertion the process will stall the trade deal.  According to an article in Politico, Oregon Democrat Suzanne Bonamici, who is a member of the working group assigned by the Speaker of the House to negotiate with the United States Trade Representative’s contends “We can do two things at once.”

SPEEA represents aerospace engineers from seven states working for the Boeing Company, Spirit AeroSystems and BAE Systems.








SPEEA emissaries included Stan Sorsher and Emily Brent Fulps, they’re pictured below with Jason Little who’s on staff at Blumenauer’s Portland office. 


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