Senator Wyden and Fast Track

wyden 866imageSenator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is currently deciding whether to join Republicans in cosponsoring “Fast Track” legislation that would allowing pending trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to be rushed through Congress, circumventing ordinary review, amendment and debate procedures.

Modern trade agreements affect far more than just traditional “trade” matters such as tariffs and quotas.  The TPP is a proposed 12-nation pact that would set rules governing approximately 40% of the global economy.  It’s 29 separate chapters could adversely impact jobs and wages; access to medicine; environmental protections; food safety standards; financial regulations; public procurement preferences; and more.  The TPP needs to be carefully reviewed and debated, not given a Fast Track rubber stamp.

Hundreds of organizations have written to Senator Wyden urging that he oppose Fast Track for the TPP, and instead support a democratic and accountable trade policy-making process.  A recent public opinion poll shows that 73% of Oregonians also oppose Fast Track legislation.

Senator Wyden is the highest-ranking Democratic Senator in the country when it comes to overseeing trade policy, so his position on this issue matters.  In 2014, after considerable pressure from Oregonians and people throughout the world, he opposed Fast Track legislation.  We want him to oppose Fast Track again this year.

Please email Senator Wyden now and urge him to oppose Fast Track for the TPP.

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