In March 2009, the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign and Cross Border Labor Organizing Commission led a delegation of trade activists to Mexico to examine the topic of cross-border opposition to NAFTA.
Delegates met with small farmers, labor leaders, community organizers and maquiladora workers in Tlaxcala, Mexico City and Ciudad Juarez. Discussions took place on the affects of NAFTA in Mexico, the steps people are taking to oppose it and what NAFTA renegotiation could mean for working people on both sides of the border.
Visit our online report-back for a summary of the delegations findings and audio highlights from some of our meetings. You can also visit our Trade and Immigration page for:
- An ORFTC fact sheet, template newsletter article and Power Point presentation on “Free Trade and Forced Migration.”
- Basic principles for dealing with the question of undocumented immigration.
- Links to organizations at the state and national level that are helping to address the root causes of migration.