Kari Koch to Be Presented the “Daniel F. Bonham Trade Justice Award” on Wednesday

Portland, Ore. — The Oregon Fair Trade Campaign (ORFTC) announced today that Kari Koch will be awarded its first ever Daniel F. Bonham Trade Justice Award.  The award, named for ORFTC’s late Secretary-Treasurer, recognizes volunteers who have made significant contributions to the coalition and its mission.  A brief award ceremony will take place during ORFTC’s 2nd Annual Fair Trade Chocolate & Northwest Beer Fest, which starts at 7:00pm on Wednesday, August 29 at Equal Exchange at 1033 SE Main Street in Portland.

“Kari is one of those rare individuals who is able to organize among Southern Oregon mill workers, Eastern Oregon farmers and Portland area hipsters.  She has worked tirelessly for trade justice in all corners of the state, and under her leadership, ORFTC has grown into a powerful force that is actually helping to transform the trade policy debate,” said Arthur Stamoulis, ORFTC’s director.  “Kari’s years of support have been deeply appreciated.”

Long-time ORFTC volunteer and worker rights advocate Daniel Bonham died while hiking at Silver Falls State Park on March 2 of this year.  Koch worked with Daniel closely in overlapping terms as ORFTC officers, with Koch as President and Bonham as Secretary-Treasurer.

Over the years, Koch helped launch ORFTC’s innovative Stories Project organizing model with trade-displaced workers; plan its “D5” mobilization in commemoration of 10-year anniversary of the Battle in Seattle; and encourage supporters to join its “sustainer-level” online giving program.  She has often served as a media spokesperson and event moderator for the coalition.

“Folks in the know know that Kari can facilitate a meeting like nobody’s business,” said Stamoulis.  “Wednesday will be an opportunity to see her cut loose, with people enjoying delicious fair trade chocolate, craft beers from the Pacific Northwest and the company of some of the most dedicated trade justice activists anywhere.”

Tickets to the Fair Trade Chocolate & Northwest Beer Fest are sold on a sliding scale of $15 to $25, and are available for purchase at the door or by emailing elizabeth@oregonfairtrade.org.


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