Fast Track Archive
Seattle City Council Unanimously Opposes Fast Track
Highlighting just how deeply engrained opposition is to Fast Track legislation, Seattle City Council passed a resolution opposing Fast Track for the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other pending trade […] -
April 18th National Day of Action Against Fast Track
In dozens of countries across the globe, groups are preparing for the April 18th Global Day of Action Against Unfair Trade. In the United States, communities from coast-to-coast will join together in action that […] -
Florida Isn’t Buying Citigroup Exec’s TPP Promises
When U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited Miami in March 2015 trying to build support for the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Citizens Trade Campaign and its partners were there warning that the deal poses serious […] -
Fair Trade or BusTour
Fair trade activists set off on a two-day “Fair Trade or BusTour” across the Pacific Northwest in February 2015 to raise awareness of the risks of fast-tracking the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership […] -
Senator Wyden and Fast Track
UPDATE: Despite fierce opposition by Oregonians, Senator Wyden followed Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) in cosponsoring Fast Track legislation virtually identical to last year’s failed Camp-Baucus-Hatch […] -
Time to Take Action against Fast Track
Senate Finance Committe Chair Orrin Hatch (R-UT) is saying he wants to reintroduce Fast Track legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) this month — right after Members of Congress return from the […]