Florida Archive
Trade Justice Organizing Positions in PA, FL and NY
Seeking Trade Justice Organizers Openings in Pennsylvania, Florida and New York Citizens Trade Campaign (www.citizenstrade.org) is seeking experienced organizers to lead in-state campaigning on the North American Free Trade Agreement […] -
Community Leaders Slam Secrecy at Miami Trade Summit
A block away from a major trade negotiating summit taking place in downtown Miami, elected officials and community leaders held a press event on October 21, 2015 to demand greater […] -
Miami Speaks Out Against Trade Secrecy
City of Miami Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution on Thursday, October 8, 2015, calling for greater transparency in trade policymaking that affects south Florida’s economy, environment and public health. Their […] -
Florida Isn’t Buying Citigroup Exec’s TPP Promises
When U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited Miami in March 2015 trying to build support for the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Citizens Trade Campaign and its partners were there warning that the deal poses serious […]