NAFTA Email Templates

Ask your supporters to support a comprehensive NAFTA replacement that prioritizes the needs of working people and that planet.  Two options below…

Template email blast for use before the November 30th NAFTA signing

Tell Congress: We Need a Real NAFTA Replacement

Dear Friend:

This Friday, the U.S., Mexico and Canada will be holding a signing ceremony to promote the White House’s rebranded version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  Please urge your Members of Congress to demand a better deal.

Donald Trump will be using the signing to claim he has gotten rid of NAFTA and replaced it with a wonderful new deal for working Americans.  The truth is, the current NAFTA proposal fails to make the changes needed to protect jobs, raise wages, defend human rights and safeguard the environment.  As written, NAFTA 2.0 also takes big steps backwards on access to medicine and other important issues.

While steps forward have been taken in some important areas, substantial changes are needed before there is a new agreement that working people can be happy about.

TAKE ACTION: Please urge your Congress members to insist on a real NAFTA replacement that puts working people and the planet ahead of corporate profits.

Among other major failings, the current NAFTA text does not yet include the strong labor and environmental standards with swift and certain enforcement that are needed to prevent big employers from moving middle-class jobs to Mexico in order to take advantage of sweatshop wages, labor rights abuses and lax environmental rules.

We need Congress to make clear that they will not approve a NAFTA deal until swift and certain enforcement mechanisms for stronger labor and environmental standards are added, and other necessary changes are made to promote good-paying jobs, environmental and consumer safety and access to affordable medicine.

Please join us in the next critical stage of the NAFTA campaign.  Please write Congress now.

Many thanks,


PS — Want to do more?  If you’re on Twitter, please join us in using the #BadDeal hashtag in reaction to the NAFTA signing.  Details online here.

Template email blast for use
after the November 30th NAFTA signing

Tell Congress: We Need a Real NAFTA Replacement

Dear Friend:

The U.S., Mexico and Canada just held a signing ceremony to promote the White House’s rebranded version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  Please urge your Members of Congress to demand a better deal.

Donald Trump is using the signing to claim he has gotten rid of NAFTA and replaced it with a wonderful new deal for working Americans.  The truth is, the current NAFTA proposal fails to make the changes needed to protect jobs, raise wages, defend human rights and safeguard the environment.  As written, NAFTA 2.0 also takes big steps backwards on access to medicine and other important issues.

While steps forward have been taken in some important areas, substantial changes are needed before there is a new agreement that working people can be happy about.

TAKE ACTION: Please urge your Congress members to insist on a real NAFTA replacement that puts working people and the planet ahead of corporate profits.

Among other major failings, the current NAFTA text does not yet include the strong labor and environmental standards with swift and certain enforcement that are needed to prevent big employers from moving middle-class jobs to Mexico in order to take advantage of sweatshop wages, labor rights abuses and lax environmental rules.

We need Congress to make clear that they will not approve a NAFTA deal until swift and certain enforcement mechanisms for stronger labor and environmental standards are added, and other necessary changes are made to promote good-paying jobs, environmental and consumer safety and access to affordable medicine.

Please join us in the next critical stage of the NAFTA campaign.  Please write Congress now.

Many thanks,

