#BadDeal Twitterstorm

Join the #BadDeal Twitterstorm During the NAFTA Signing This Friday!
This Friday, November 30th, the United States, Canada and Mexico will be holding a signing ceremony to promote their newly-inked deal on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  Please join us on Twitter then to call out this #BadDeal!
Trump will undoubtedly be using the moment to claim he has kept his campaign promise to get rid of NAFTA and replace it with a wonderful new deal for working Americans.  In truth, the current deal fails to make critical changes needed to protect jobs, raise wages, defend human rights and safeguard the environment.  This is a #BadDeal!  And we need to spread the word that a lot more work is needed before there’s a real NAFTA replacement that working people can be happy about.
This Friday, November 30, 2018
12:30pm – 1:30pm Eastern / 11:30am Central / 10:30am Mountain / 9:30am Pacific
Take to Twitter with the hashtag #BadDeal
A Twitterstorm is when a large group of people get together at the same time on a certain day and push out the same hashtag on Twitter in an attempt to get it trending so that more and more people start noticing it and picking it up and using it.
From 12:30pm to 1:30pm Eastern this Friday, we need you to please send out tweets about NAFTA with the hashtag #BadDeal.  You can still use #NAFTA and any other tags in your messages, but make sure to also include #BadDeal as well.
Use the #BadDeal hashtag on Friday in reactions to news stories about the NAFTA signing; in response to tweets about NAFTA from Trump, other politicians and organizations; and when sharing photos from some of the various NAFTA actions happening around the country.  You can also send any of the following Tweets:
Trump’s #BadDeal on NAFTA doesn’t make the changes needed to protect jobs, raise wages, defend human rights & safeguard the environment https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
Don’t believe the hype on NAFTA! This is a #BadDeal and a lot more work is needed before there’s a real replacement working people can be happy about. https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
Working families need a real #NAFTA replacement, not a rebranding effort. Tell Congress we need more than this #BadDeal: https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
Without stronger labor & environmental standards with swift & certain enforcement, this #BadDeal on NAFTA will continue to help corporations outsource jobs and drive down wages https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
Trump’s #BadDeal on NAFTA takes big steps backwards on access to medicine and would lock-in high health care costs. https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
A 21st Century trade deal that fails to even mention climate change is an unacceptably #BadDeal https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
#BadDeal! We need to eliminate NAFTA giveaways that help corporations undermine environmental, food safety & other public interest laws https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
Not COOL! A final NAFTA replacement must reaffirm our right to use Country-of-Origin-Labels on meat products. https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal #BadDeal
Today’s #NAFTA signing is a #BadDeal and the work ahead is far from over. Email Congress now at: https://tinyurl.com/badnaftadeal
If everyone sends five or six tweets with the #BadDeal hashtag on Friday, we’ll make important headway getting our reaction to the NAFTA signing out to reporters, each of our followers and the wider public. Please mark your calendars now.
Questions?  Email twitterstorm@citizenstrade.org.