Come to Atlanta to #StopTPP

StopTPPIt’s do-or-die time on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  We need your help in Atlanta ensuring it’s the latter.  

Trade ministers from throughout the Pacific Rim are meeting at a fancy hotel in downtown Atlanta this week as part of a last-ditch effort to complete the TPP negotiations.  They’re getting close, but we can stop them.  If we do, and the Atlanta round fails, many believe the TPP could be knocked off track indefinitely.

That’s not just us saying that.  Just days ago, Japanese Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Akira Amari said that if the Atlanta TPP round fails to deliver a finished pact, “there is a risk that an agreement will be put off for years.”

The TPP threatens the economy, environment and public health at home and abroad — and we now have a real shot to stop that.  Very rarely do protests have as much potential for immediate results as this one.

We need your help mobilizing as many people as possible to Atlanta.  This is the main event…

Atlanta Mobilization to #StopTPP

Thursday, October 1 • 12:00 noon AND 5:00 – 7:00pm
Woodruff Park • International Peace Fountain (Map:
Peachtree St & Auburn Ave • Downtown Atlanta, GA

The Atlanta #StopTPP Coalition calls on all allies across the US and the world to join us on Oct 1st to #StopTPP!

Make Some Noise #StopTPP Rally: 12 – 2 pm
#StopTPP Mass Rally: 5 – 7 pm
Gather for Rallies At: Woodruff Park – International Peace Fountain
Peachtree St & Auburn Ave • Downtown Atlanta, GA (Map:

As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade talks are coming to Atlanta in an effort to finalize the pro-corporate deal, the Atlanta #StopTPP Coalition and the broader Atlanta community says, “No Way!” We as citizens in the global community won’t stand for a wholesale auction of our rights, our freedoms, and our democracy to multinational corporations who put profits over people.

Community members and concerned citizens from labor, faith, youth, senior, environment, LGBT, and others are coming together and inviting all within our United States and the global community to draw a line in the sand in Atlanta and to demand that the TPP shall not pass!

We will not stand for the TPP corrupting our democracy and eliminating our rights by putting corporations such as Walmart, Chevron, Cargill, and McDonalds in greater control of our daily lives leading us into a global race to the bottom. The undemocratic and secretive TPP would threaten good jobs, public services, access to affordable life-saving medicines, the environment and our climate, consumer health and safety and much more in our communities across the world.

We call on all allies across the world to join the Atlanta community on Oct 1st as we take on the TPP! We shall not be moved, we shall #StopTPP!

RSVP on Facebook:

Regional Transportation Info:

We know this is a last-minute call to action, and that many of you live far away.  This is important enough that we’re asking you to do your best to be there anyhow.  If you’re thinking about coming from a distance, you can click here to request information about possible carpools and caravans from throughout the region.  If you’re in or near Atlanta, you can also sign up here for additional information about TPP resistance efforts taking place over the coming week.

Whether or not you can make it, you can make a real difference by spreading the word about the protest.  Please share this Facebook invitation and click here to Tweet about the Atlanta TPP protests.

