LIVE FROM LIMA: Civil Society Webinar from TPP Negotiations in Peru

You are invited to participate in a public dispatch (webinar) on the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations happening this week in Lima, Peru. Hear from and interact with Peruvian and global trade activists in Lima for the 17th round of TPP negotiations. Tap into the front line of resistance to this latest corporate attack on democracy, workers, farmers, public services, the earth, and access to affordable medicines.

When: Friday, May 17, 5 p.m. Eastern (4 p.m Central, 3 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Pacific)

Where: Everywhere! Connect to the TPP dispatch from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer with a stable web connection, speakers or headphones (no webcam required). Join the webinar from home or at the office, on your own or with a group of friends or activists in your community.

Who: Peruvian and global trade activists in Lima, Peru for the TPP negotiations.

How: At the time mentioned above, just click this link ( to connect to the webinar.

RSVP: There is currently a limit of 100 participants (connections) so, if at all possible, please RSVP your intention to join by emailing Stuart Trew, trade campaigner, Council of Canadians now at:

This TPP dispatch is made possible by the Council of Canadians with special thanks to the TPPxBorder network, Public Citizen, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Citizens Trade Campaign, Washington Fair Trade Coalition and Sierra Club U.S. The webinar is part of the May Days of Action on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which includes assemblies, public events and other actions across five continents.

