Important Victory in Ongoing Fight against Fast Track

In a huge victory for Main Street over Wall Street, the House of Representatives voted to block Fast Track legislation for the Trans-Pacfic Partnership — a least for now.
“House Democrats rebuffed a dramatic personal appeal from President Obama on Friday, torpedoing his ambitious push to expand his trade negotiating power — and, quite likely, his chance to secure a legacy-defining trade accord spanning the Pacific Ocean,” is how the New York Times put the Friday, June 12th vote.
“The dramatic defeat could sink the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),” said the Washington Post.
Ordinary constituents holding their elected officials accountable is what cracked the unified front of corporate lobbyists and political elites pushing this legislation.  THANK YOU to everyone who worked so hard for this win — unfortunately, it’s not over yet.
We have every expectation that those seeking to profit from offshoring American jobs will push for fast track again soon, just as we have every confidence their attempts will be defeated once more.
The House separated the Fast Track bill passed by the Senate into two parts: Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for displaced workers and the Fast Track process.  Both parts needed to pass for the bill to pass.  The House voted down the TAA portion by a dramatic 126 – 302 vote, thus voting down the entire bill.
Find out how your Representative voted on the Fast Track process here and on TAA here.
Transnational corporations have been pushing for fast track since January of last year, and each day the public opposition to it has grown stronger.  With your continued support, that’s only going to continue.


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