Hold a Town Hall Meeting on Trade Issues

A Town Hall Meeting is a great way to educate the public, engage coalition partners, generate media attention, mobilize voters into action, and pressure elected officials, all in one event!  You can host a gathering of any size, from a small roundtable at the local diner, to a House Party with friends and neighbors, to a 300-person public event.

What Does A “Town Hall” Look Like?

It can go by many names, including a roundtable, activist meeting, house party or economic summit. It essentially involves gathering a panel of local leaders and community activists, and sometimes state and local elected officials, to educate the public and the press on trade issues.

A diverse array of speakers briefly address the policies that matter, such as the Colombia FTA and the TRADE Act, and the impact of trade on the local community. They discuss specific issues (such as the environment) and specific policy vehicles (such as NAFTA and the Korea FTA).At the end of the program, you ask all participants to sign a postcard, call members of congress, or take another action step on promoting fair trade policy.

Background Materials:

How To Hold A Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Checklist

Town Hall Agenda (Sample)

Town Hall Flyer (Sample)

Town Hall Press Release (Sample)

Town Hall Advisory (Sample)