
News & Opinion
Outsourcing/Offshoring Overview
Other Organizations Monitoring Job Loss
Trade Deficit and Job Loss

Record 205 Democratic, GOP Campaigns Nationwide Connected to Bipartisan American Public Anger About Trade Policy Status Quo of Job Offshoring Global Trade Watch, November 3, 2010

Full Report
Election 2010: The Best Defense Was a Good Fair Trade Offense
New Report Ties Chamber’s Support for Outsourcing Jobs to Controversy Around Their Political Advertising Campaign Money Watch, October 2010
Findings from a Nationwide Survey of 1000 Likely 2010 General Election Voters Presentation to the Alliance for American Manufacturing, 2010
The China trade toll; Widespread wage suppression, 2 million jobs lost in the U.S. Economic Policy Institute, July 30, 2008
All Eyes on Ohio CBS “60 Minutes”, March 2, 2008
Ohio’s Job Losses: 2000 to 2007, Worst Losses Since the Depression American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition, February 2008
Is Deindustrialization Inevitable? New Labor Forum, May 20, 2006
The Great American Job Giveaway Rescue American Jobs
Administration Cover-Up for Commerce Department’s Offshoring Report Manufacturing & Technology News, October 12, 2005
The Impact of Production Shifts on Jobs in the US, China, and Around the Globe Cornell University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, October 15, 2004

Read Full Report
Executive Excess: CEO Pay Soars at Companies That Send Jobs Overseas United for a Fair Economy & the Institute for Policy Studies, August 31, 2004
The Bush Record on Shipping Jobs Overseas AFL-CIO, August 2004
Outsourcing: A Policy Agenda Institute for Policy Studies, April 2004
Privacy, security protections fall in regulatory gap in offshored jobs Public Citizen, April 15, 2004
Job Growth Projections – Fact and Fiction Public Citizen
‘Insourcing’ Myths, Part 1 Economic Policy Institute, April 6, 2004
‘Insourcing’ Myths, Part 2 Economic Policy Institute, April 7, 2004
Another Phony Study From the Cheap Labor Lobby American Engineering Association
Outsource This? American Workers, the Jobs Deficit and Fair Globalization North American Alliance for Fair Employment

News & Opinion
New Congress needs to create more jobs James P. Hoffa, Detroit News, November 10, 2010
Many Blue Dogs and New Dems Survived with Fair Trade Eyes on Trade, November 4, 2010
AFL-CIO president decries outsourcing GoErie, October 28, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Pushes Offshoring Eyes on Trade, October 21, 2010
Polls, Research Show Dems Can Win Talking Trade (GOP Too) Huffington Post, October 18, 2010
Stream of US jobs overseas shows no signs of abating Kansas City Star, October 12, 2010
Priming a broken pump The Huffinton Post, September 27, 2010
Democrats use trade anxiety as campaign tool Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2010
Made in the U.S.A.: Some manufacturers are finding it profitable to move production back home The Star Press (Indiana) August 7, 2010
New Democratic strategy for creating jobs focuses on a boost in manufacturing Washington Post, August 4, 2010

Are Workers Trading Down? Portland Tribune, July 22, 2010
Dems talk jobs as election nears Politico, July 21, 2010
Is America no longer number one? The Hill, July 6, 2010
How safe is your job? Gazette Times, July 3, 2010
How to Make an American Job Before It’s Too Late: Andy Grove Bloomberg Opinion, July 1, 2010
Steel Blasts Buy America For Being Too Weak, But GOP Opposed Buy America Campaign for America’s Future, February 19, 2010
Where Things are Made AFL-CIO, October 28, 2009
The Pope Pontificates: Offshore Outsourcing is Amoral Manufacturing and Technology News, October 19, 2009
Who Opposes American Manufacturing? II Campaign for America’s Future, September 3, 2009
America Needs a National Manufacturing Policy. Now. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Huffington Post, July 17, 2009

College Grads, Incomes Stagnant, Turn Against Globalization Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2008
Ohio workers peg job losses to trade agreements – but should they? Dayton Daily News, July 6, 2008
Outsourcing to China not so cheap anymore Montreal Gazette, June 27, 2008
OIL SHOCKER: Stung by Soaring Transport Costs, Factories Bring Jobs Home Again Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2008
Biz Groups Wary Of Mass-Layoff Bill Hitching A Ride On TAA Reauthorization Congress Daily, June 3, 2008
Officials link loss of ‘icon industries’ in Maine to ’94 NAFTA agreement Bangor Daily News, May 17, 2008
The McCain Way: Forget Everything You Know ManufactureThis.Org, March 12, 2008
Ohio job losses worst since WWII, report says Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 20, 2008
Election ’08 Meets the Great Education Myth David Sirota, November 15, 2007
House Votes To Expand Aid to Displaced Workers HR News, November 5, 2007

House backs funds for aid to workers LA Times, November 1, 2007
The Great Retraining Lie Jonathan Tasini, October 31, 2007
House Dems expand workers’ aid bill to mitigate fallout from looming free-trade vote The Hill, October 31, 2007
A Suggested Salve to Free-Trade Anxiety Wall Street Journal, October 15, 2007
Battered Auto-Parts Makers Could Face More Pain Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2007
Aid May Grow for Laid-Off Workers Washingtin Post, July 23, 2007
Outsourcing: How to Skirt the Law Business Week, June 22, 2007
More on the Fake Job Ads Programmers Guild, June 24, 2007
The Truth About Outsourcing Paul Craig Roberts, June 12, 2007
Now Outsourced: Local Journalism Associated Press, May 10, 2007

Trade Policy Could Lead to More Plant Closing Dothan Eagle(Al), March 9, 2006
Central America Growing into Call Center Hub South Florida Sun-Sentinel, March 6, 2006
That Good Education Might Not Be Enough Los Angeles Times, March 6, 2006
Time for Bold Action on Trade AFL-CIO, February 27, 2006
CAFTA Blamed for Layoffs at Edenton Textile Plant Associated Press, December 3, 2005
Outsourcing gets closer to home with CAFTA USA Today, November 8, 2005
Apparel Industry No Longer A Good Fit in El Paso San Antonio Express, October 15, 2005
Law Firms Send Casework Overseas to Boost Efficiency Washington Times, September 26, 2005
Strike Is About More Than Pay and Benefits Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2005

Thousands of U.S. Businesses Urge Bush to Scrap CAFTA U.S. Business and Industry Council, June 21, 2005
Jobs Sell Out Washington Times, February 19, 2005
Policymakers Struggle with Outsourcing Issue Portland Press Herald, February 13, 2005
Illinois to Review Outsourcing in State Contracts Associated Press, February 6, 2005

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